Labor Day weekend we had our first softball tournament as the LADY RATTLERS.
It turns out that moving up to 12U when your whole team is still league age 10U is kinda....... well lets just say its like a freshmen team playing a varsity team. Needless to say playing against thirteen year olds when your only eleven doesn't really go the way you want it to.

As you can see, I did make it on base, but sadly never got home. As you can also see, my coach was having a little "chat" with me in the dug-out. It's OK he is cool, even when he is fired up!

I really just go to these Tournaments for snow cones and friendships....................Well, not really I like to play, but I'm really ready to WIN!
After ball games we always have the way to go, or shame shame, meeting. You can tell the parents gathered are just ready to get home. it was a long hot day and we had three games back to back. It was a learning experience for sure. Only two more weeks until the next one.